CARES builds more assurance in Australasia


CARES builds more assurance in Australasian post-tensioned concrete supply chain through ‘very important’ scheme approvals

Interspan, the leading post-tensioned concrete contractor and post-tensioning materials manufacturer, has today been approved by the bespoke specialist product certification scheme developed for Australasia’s post-tensioned concrete market.

The Australasian certification scheme, developed by CARES for the Supply and Installation of Post-Tensioning Systems in Concrete Structures, was launched in May 2021, attracting significant interest. Under the specific terms of new certificates issued by CARES, Interspan has achieved certification in:

  • APT-01: Production and supply of prestressing PT Kits. The manufacture and supply of the Interspan Slab Post-Tensioning System comprising of dead end and live-end (stressing) anchorages of 3 to 5 strands using 12.7mm or 15.2mm PC strand, for use in flat bonded post-tension systems. Tested in accordance with AS/NZS 1314:2003 and CARES APT-01.
  • APT-04: Supply and Installation of Post Tensioning Systems (non - highway structures) using a Post Tensioning System tested in accordance with CARES APT01 and AS/NZS 1314:2003 and using Prebagged grout which is approved to CARES APT-03.

Two specialist suppliers were approved in April 2022, and three more specialist suppliers are currently undergoing assessment by CARES. Meanwhile a number of other leading Australasian enterprises providing specialist post-tensioning services have expressed their interest.

Confirmation that approvals have been granted to these companies was highlighted by CARES today. It represents “a very important step forward in assurance across the Australasian post-tensioning supply chain” said CARES’ Chief Executive Officer, Lee Brankley.

Mr Brankley urged project teams, and main contractors, to work towards achieving sector-leading approvals. “We encourage all specifiers to review their project specifications,” he said.

“This means ensuring they specify ACRS certified high strength wire and strand to AS/NZS 4672 installed by a CARES approved contractor to the CARES product certification scheme for the Supply and Installation of Post-Tensioning Systems.”

Download the CARES Model Specification Australia and CARES certificates of approval from here