CARES attains flexible scope of accreditation from UKAS


CARES has recently attained flexible scope of accreditation from UKAS to ISO/IEC 17065 for product conformity certification.

This is a significant achievement in the development of CARES’ scope of accreditation, enabling us to deploy a more flexible approach to the certification of product schemes which will apply to standards that are not specifically listed on our Schedule of Accreditation.

Confirmation of our flexible scope acknowledges CARES’ extensive experience, expertise and competence in constructional steels certification, and recognises CARES’ robust and comprehensive quality management procedures, underpinning all ourcertification services. CARES is audited regularly by UKAS, and other accreditation bodies, providing clients with a high level of assurance – which not only confirms the standard of our services but also of product certified by CARES.

CARES’ updated Schedule of Accreditation, version 044, is available on UKAS’ website. Attention is drawn to “Flexible scope” on page 1.

For more information about CARES certification please visit or contact with your application/extension to scope enquiry.